Add Attachment Action
Add an attachment to an item.
- item: The item to add the attachment to.
- attachment: The attachment to add.
Add Interaction Action
Adds a new interaction to a target with an Interaction Manager.
- target: The target(s) to add the interaction to.
- interactionValue: The interaction to add.
Add Item To Storage Action
Moves an item from target to storage.
- target: The character who has the item to store.
- storage: The object with a StorageInteraction.
- item: The item to store.
Add Threat Action
Adds threat from a source to a target.
- target: The character with a Threat Manager to add Threat to.
- source: The source of the threat.
- amount: The amount of threat.
Apply Stat Modifier Action
Apply childed Stat Modifiers to a target's stat.
- target: The character to apply the modifiers to.
- stat: The name of the stat to apply the modifiers to.
Buy Item From Merchant Action
Target will purchase item from merchant.
- target: The purchaser.
- merchant: The seller.
- item: The item to purchase.
- soundTarget: The game object to attach sounds to.
- audioMixerGroup: The mixer group to use.
- buySound: Sound to play when buying
Cast Ability Action
Immediately casts an ability.
- caster: The character casting the ability.
- target: The target of the ability.
- ability: The ability to cast.
Clear Accumulated Dialogue Lines Action
if a Dialogue Manager is set to Accumulate LInes, this will clear the Lines.
- targetDialogueManager: The character or dialogue manager to clear the accumulated lines of.
Clear Inventory Action
Clears the inventory of the target.
- target: Character to clear the inventory of.
Complete Craft Action
Causes crafting to complete on a recipe.
- recipe: The recipe to complete.
Craft Item Action
Start crafting an item.
- crafter: The one doing the crafting.
- recipe: The recipe to use.
Damage Action
Do damage to a target with various options.
- source: The source of the damage
- target: The target to damage.
- attackRangeType: What type of attack is this from
- damageType: The type of the damage.
- minDamageAmount: The minimum damage to apply.
- maxDamageAmount: The maximum damage to apply.
- operations: Operations to apply to the damage.
- canMiss: Can this damage miss the target?
- canBlock: Can the target block this damage?
- canDodge: Can the target dodge this damage?
- canReduce: Can the target reduce this damage with armor or other means?
Destroy Destructible Action
Causes a Destructible to be immediately destroyed.
- target: The Destructible(s) to destroy.
Destroy Spawn Camp Spawned Things Action
Destroy all things spawned by the target spawn camp.
- target: The spawn camp(s) to destroy all spawned things from.
Destroy Spawner Spawned Things Action
Destroy all things spawned by the target spawner.
- target: The spawner(s) to destroy all spawned things from.
Disarm Trap Action
Attempt to disarm a Trap.
- target: The Trap to disarm.
- disarmer: The entity disarming the Trap.
Drop Item Action
Drops an item from target's inventory.
- target: The character to drop the item from.
- item: The item to drop.
- position: The position to drop the item at.
- parent: The parent game object.
- orientation: The orientation of the item.
Enable Interaction Action
Causes interactions of a specific type to be enabled or disabled on a target. The interactions will still adhere to any conditions.
- target: The target(s) to enable or disable interactions on.
- interactionType: The type of interaction to enable or disable.
- enable: Whether to enable or disable the interaction(s).
Equip Item Action
Places an item in an equip slot.
- target: The Character to place the item on.
- item: The item to equip.
- slot: The slot to equip the item in.
Fail Craft Action
Cause a craft to fail.
- recipe: The recipe to fail.
Flip Switch Action
Changes the state of a Switch.
- target: The Switch(es) to change the state of.
- switchAction: What to do with the state.
Generate Loot Action
Roll some loot on a table and store it in a value.
- lootTable: The loot table to roll on.
- minimumRollCount: The minimum loot rolls to make.
- maximumRollCount: The maximum loot rolls to make.
- instantiate: Create a new instance of the loot.
- storeIn: Value to store the new loot in. Must be a list.
Get Biggest Threat Action
Sets a value to the biggest threat of a target.
- target: The target to get the biggest threat of.
- storeIn: The value to store the threat in.
Get Recipe From Ingredients Action
Find a recipe on a crafter from a list of ingredients.
- crafter: The crafter to use.
- ingredients: The list of ingredients.
- storeIn: Value to store the recipe in.
Get Threat List Action
Gets the entire threat list and stores it in a value.
- target: The character to get the threat list of.
- storeIn: The value to store the list in.
Give Item Action
Give target a new instance of an item and equip it.
- target: The Character to give the item to.
- bundleName: The name of the Asset Bundle for the item.
- itemName: The name of the item.
- slot: If specified, the slot to put the item in.
Grant Ability Action
Grant an ability to a caster. Can optionally be removed when the action stops.
- target: The target caster to give the ability to.
- abilityName: The name of the ability to grant.
Grant Experience Action
Grant experience to a target.
- target: The character to grant experience to.
- amount: The amount of experience to grant.
Grant Level Action
Grant levels to a target.
- target: The character to grant levels to.
- levels: The numer of levels to grant.
Grant Loot Action
Roll loot and grant it to the target.
- target: The target Character to grant loot to.
- lootTable: The table to roll on.
- minimumRollCount: The minimum number of rolls.
- maximumRollCount: The maximum number of rolls.
Grant Skill Points Action
Grant skill points to a target.
- target: The character to grant skill points to.
- skillPoints: The numer of skill points to grant.
Heal Action
Apply healing to a target.
- target: The target to heal.
- minHealAmount: The minimum healing amount.
- maxHealAmount: The maximum healing amount.
- operations: Operations to apply to the healing amount.
Hide Dialogue Action
Can be pointed at either a Dialogue Manager or a Dialogue and will hide either.
- target: The Dialogue Manager or Dialogue to hide.
Hide Interaction Selection Window Action
Hides the interaction selection window of a target if it is open.
- target: The target(s) to hide the interaction selection window of.
Interact Action
Trigger an interaction of an optional type with the target.
- target: The target(s) to trigger an interaction on.
- interactionType: The optional interaction type to trigger. If None, either the highest priority interaction will trigger or the interaction selection window will appear.
Lock Chest Action
Set the locked state of a Chest.
- target: The chest(s) to lock/unlock.
- locked: Whether to lock or unlock.
Lock Door Action
Set the locked state of a Door.
- target: The Door(s) to lock/unlock.
- locked: Whether to lock or unlock.
Modify Faction Action
Modifies the disposition of a target towards a faction.
- target: The target with a FactionManager to modify the disposition of.
- factionName: The name of the faction to modify the disposition of.
- amount: The amount to modify the disposition by.
Modify Fuel Action
Modify a fuel stat by an amount.
- target: The character whose fuel to modify.
- fuel: The name of the fuel to modify.
- amount: The amount to modify the fuel by. Negative numbers to reduce.
Move Item Action
Move an item from one equip slot to another.
- target: The Character to move the items of.
- sourceName: The name of the source slot.
- destinationName: The name of the destination slot.
Move To Attack Slot Action
Moves the targeted object(s) to their attack slot on the attack target.
- target: The object(s) to change the position of.
- attackTarget: The character whose attack slots to move the target(s) to.
- durationOrSpeed: If using the Duration Movement Type, how long the move should take in seconds. For all else how fast the targets should move to the destination. Set to 0 for instant movement.
- curve: If using the Duration Movement Type, the rate of movement over the duration.
- movementType: How the target(s) should move.
- x: Should moving be enabled on the X-Axis?
- y: Should moving be enabled on the Y-Axis?
- z: Should moving be enabled on the Z-Axis?
- clampToGround: Should the target(s) be clamped to the ground?
- clampDistance: If clamping the target(s) to the ground, how offset between the target(s) and the ground.
Next Dialogue Line Action
Moves the currently active dialogue to the next line.
Open Chest Action
Open, close, or toggle the state of a Chest.
- target: The Chest to manipulate.
- chestAction: Whether to open, close, or toggle the state.
Open Door Action
Open, close, or toggle the state of a Door.
- target: The Door to manipulate.
- chestAction: Whether to open, close, or toggle the state.
Pauses or unpauses a Moving Platform.
- target: The target Moving Platform.
- pause: Whether to pause or unpause.
Pause Spawn Camp Action
Pause or unpause spawning for a spawn camp.
- target: The spawn camp(s) to pause or unpause.
- pause: Whether to pause or unpause.
Pause Spawner Action
Pause or unpause spawning for a spawner.
- target: The spawner(s) to pause or unpause.
- pause: Whether to pause or unpause.
Pick Up Item Action
Cause target to pick up an item and put it in a slot.
- target: The Character to pick up the item.
- item: The item to pick up.
- slot: The slot to put the item in. If not specified, any open slot will be used.
Projectile Action
Fires a projectile (or multiple projectiles) at a target or target.
- projectilType: The type of projectile. One single, multiple, or MIRV where a single shoots and then splits into multiple.
- start: The start position.
- end: The end position.
- projectile: The projectile prefab.
- durationOrSpeed: Either how fast the projectile is moving or how long it till take to reach the target depending on movementType.
- curve: If using the Duration Movement Type, the rate of movement over the duration.
- movementType: How the projectile should move.
- x: Should moving be enabled on the X-Axis?
- y: Should moving be enabled on the Y-Axis?
- z: Should moving be enabled on the Z-Axis?
- clampToGround: Should the target(s) be clamped to the ground?
- clampDistance: If clamping the target(s) to the ground, how offset between the target(s) and the ground.
- setOrientation: Set the projectile orientation to it's direction of travel.
Purchase Skill Tree Item Action
Purchase a skill tree item for a target.
- target: The character to purchase the skill tree item.
- treeItem: The skill tree item to purchase.
Reduce Damage Action
To be used as part of a damage application stack. This will apply a damage reduction.
- reductionStatName: The stat to use to reduce the damage.
- prependDamageType: Whether to prepend the type of damage to the name of the stat.
- prependAttackRangeType: Whether to prepend the attack range type to the name of the stat.
- isPercent: Whether the reduction stat represents a percentage (vs an amount)
- randomReductionStatName:
Release Attack Slot Action
Releases a previously reserved attack slot.
- attacker: The attacker to release the spot of.
- target: The target being attacked which has reserved a slot for the attacker.
Remove Ability Action
Remove an ability from a caster. Optionally return it when the action finishes.
- target: the caster to remove the ability from.
- abilityName: the name of the ability to remove.
Remove Attachment Action
Removes an attachment from an item.
- item: The item from which to remove the attachment.
- attachmentName: The name of the attachment to remove.
Remove Interaction Action
Removes an interaction of a given type from the target.
- target: The target(s) to remove the interaction(s) from.
- interactionType: The interaction type to remove.
Remove Item Action
Removes an item from target's inventory.
- target: The Character to remove the item from.
- itemName: The name of the item to remove.
Remove Item From Storage Action
Removes an item from target's inventory.
- target: The Character to add the item to.
- storage: The storage object to remove the item from.
- item: The item to remove.
Remove Item Quantity Action
Removes a quantity of an item from target's inventory.
- target: The Character to remove the item from.
- itemName: The name of the item to remove a quantity of.
- count: The quantity to remove.
Remove Stat Modifier Action
Remove a named stat modifier from a target's stat.
- target: The Character to remove the modifier from.
- stat: The name of the Stat to remove the modifier from.
- modifier: The name of the modifier to remove.
Remove Threat Action
Removes threat from a source from a target.
- target: The character with a Threat Manager to remove Threat from.
- source: The source of the threat.
- amount: The amount of threat to remove.
Reserve Attack Slot Action
Reserve an attack slot on a target for an attacker.
- attacker: the attacker(s) to reserve a slot for.
- target: the target(s) to reserve a slot on.
- storeIn: value to store the position or index of the slot.
Reset Dialogue Action
Completely resets the state of all Dialogue.
Reset Progression Action
Reset the progression of a target.
- target: The target to reset the progression of.
Ressurect Action
Reset the alive state on a combatant. This is important to do on the player if they are being brought back from the dead.
- target: The target(s) to resurrect.
Revert Dialogue Action
Reverts a previously overridden dialogue back to the default.
- target: The DialogueManager to revert the overridden dialogue of.
Revoke Experience Action
Revoke experience from a target.
- target: The character to revoke experience from.
- amount: The amount of experience to revoke.
Revoke Level Action
Revoke levels from a target.
- target: The character to revoke levels from.
- levels: The numer of levels to revoke.
Revoke Skill Points Action
Revoke skill points from a target.
- target: The character to revoke skill points from.
- skillPoints: The numer of skill points to revoke.
Run Ability Action
Immediately cast an ability on a target. The ability can either be childed to this action, or the abilityName field can be used to specify it.
- target: the target of the ability.
- bundleName: the asset bundle to load the ability from.
- abilityName: the name of the ability. This is optional. It is also possible to child abilities to this action and they will be cast.
Sell Item To Merchant Action
Target will sell item to merchant.
- target: The seller.
- merchant: The purchaser.
- item: The item to sell.
- soundTarget: The game object to attach sounds to.
- audioMixerGroup: The mixer group to use.
- buySound: Sound to play when buying
Set Combat Target Action
Sets the combat target of a combatant.
- target: The combatant(s) to set the target of.
- combatTarget: The target to use.
Set Dialogue Action
Override the default dialogue of a target with a new one specified by name.
- target: The target DialogueManager to override the dialogue of.
- dialogueName: The name of the dialogue to set.
Set Faction Action
Sets the disposition of a target towards a faction.
- target: The target with a FactionManager to set the disposition of.
- factionName: The name of the faction to set the disposition of.
- amount: The amount to set the disposition to.
Set Navigation Destination To Attack Slot Action
Sets the destination of the targeted NavMeshAgent(s) to an attack slot on the attack target.
- target: The object(s) to set the destination of.
- destination: The new destination position.
Set Threat Action
Directly set the amount of threat from a source.
- target: The character with a Threat Manager to set Threat of.
- source: The source of the threat.
- amount: The amount of threat to set.
Set Trap Armed Action
Set the armed state of a Trap.
- target: The Trap to change the state of.
- arm: Whether to arm or disarm the Trap.
Show Dialogue Action
Show the dialogue for a target.
- target: The target Dialogue Manager to show the dialogue of.
- overrideDialogue: The name of a Dialogue to override the default with.
- revertAfterShow: If true, the overridden dialogue is reverted after being shown.
Skip To Dialogue Line Action
Skip to a new line in the currently active dialogue of the target.
- target: The target DialogueManager to change the line of.
- lineName: The name of the line to skip to in the current dialogue.
Skip To Dialogue Line By Index Action
Skip to a new line by index in the currently active dialogue of the target.
- target: The target DialogueManager to change the line of.
- index: The index of the line to skip to in the current dialogue.
Target Biggest Threat Action
Sets the target to the biggest threat of a target.
- target: The target to get the biggest threat of.
- storeIn: The optional value to store the threat in.
Use Item Action
Use an item on a target.
- target: The Character who owns the item.
- item: The item to use.
- useTarget: The target to use the item on.
Can Cast Ability Trigger
Fires when the specified ability can be cast.
- target: The ability or abilities to check.
- pollInterval: Since ability casting relies on conditions, this is the frequency that this trigger will check for changes.
- evaluationRequirement: How many abilities targeted must be ready to cast in order to fire.
Can Craft Trigger
Fires when a recipe can be crafted by a crafter.
- crafter: The crafter to check.
- recipe: The recipe to check.
- checkFrequency: How often to check
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Can Purchase Skill Tree Item Trigger
Fire when the target can purchase a skill tree item.
- target: The character to check for.
- treeItem: The tree item to check.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Can Use Item Trigger
True if the item can be used on the target.
- target: the character to target the item on.
- item: the item to use.
- checkFrequency: The frequency to check.
- evaluationRequirement: how many matches are required.
Chest Trigger
Trigger that fires when target Chest is open.
- target: The Chest(s) to check.
- isOpen: Whether to listen for opening or closing.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Chests must be in the state to fire.
Dialogue Line Trigger
Triggers when the specified dialogue is currently active.
- dialogueID: The dialogueID of the dialogue to check.
- lineName: The name of the line to check.
Dialogue Response Trigger
Triggers when the specified response on the specified dialogue has been selected.
- dialogID: The dialogueID of the dialogue to check.
- responseID: The responseID of the response inside the dialogue you're checking.
Dialogue Trigger
Triggers when the specified dialogue is currently active.
- dialogueID: The dialogueID of the dialogue to check.
Door Trigger
Trigger that fires when target Door is open.
- target: The Door(s) to check.
- isOpen: Whether to listen for opening or closing.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Doors must be in the state to fire.
Experience Trigger
Fire when the target character has an amount of experience points.
- target: The character to check.
- experience: The amount of experience to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Faction Disposition Trigger
Fires when the disposition of the target to a specified faction and compares it to the input.
- target: The target to check the disposition of.
- factionName: The name of the faction to check.
- disposition: The disposition to use in the check.
- range: The range to use if the comparison type is set to range.
- comparion: The type of comparison to use.
- evaluationRequirement: How many targets must pass the comparison.
Failed Cast Trigger
Listens on a caster for when an ability fails.
- target: The target caster(s).
Has Available Attack Slot Trigger
Trigger that fires when the target(s) have an open attack slot.
- target: the target(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: how many target(s) must have a slot for this to succeed.
Has Dialogue Trigger
Triggers if the target has a dialogue with the specified dialogueID.
- target: The Target GameObject to check the dialogue on.
- dialogueID: The dialogueID of the dialogue you want to check and see is present.
Has Interaction Type Trigger
Fires when the target has a specific interaction type. Doesn't check for availability.
- target: The GameObject with an Interaction Manager to check.
- interactionType: The type of Interaction to check.
- evaluationRequirement: In the case of multiple targets, the number that must have the interaction for this to pass.
Has Skill Points Trigger
Fire when the target character has an amount of skill points.
- target: The character to check.
- points: The amount of skill points to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Has Skill Tree Item Trigger
Fire when a character has a skill tree item.
- target: The character to check.
- item: The skill tree item.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Have Item Quantity Trigger
Fires when the target Character has a specific count of an item.
- target: The Character whose inventory to check.
- itemName: The name of the item to check for.
- count: The count to compare against.
- comparison: The method of comparision.
- range: If using a ranged comparison, use this range.
- evaluationRequirement: The number of checks that must pass for this trigger to fire.
Have Item Trigger
Fires when the target Character has an item.
- target: The Character whose inventory to check.
- itemName: The name of the item to check for.
- evaluationRequirement: The number of checks that must pass for this trigger to fire.
In Combat Trigger
Fires while the target is in combat.
- target: The target to check.
Is Enemy Trigger
Fires when a character is an enemy of the target based on the threshhold.
- target: The character with a Faction Manager to check the enemy against.
- enemy: Another character with a Faction Manager to check if it is an enemy of the target.
- threshhold: Any disposition under this number will be considered enemy.
- evaluationRequirement: How many enemies/targets must match.
Is Friend Trigger
Fires when a character is an friend of the target based on the threshhold.
- target: The character with a Faction Manager to check the friend against.
- friend: Another character with a Faction Manager to check if it is an friend of the target.
- threshhold: Any disposition over this number will be considered friend.
- evaluationRequirement: How many friends/targets must match.
Is Interactable Trigger
Fires when the target has any availabile interactions optionally of the specified type.
- target: The target to check for interactions.
- interactionType: If set, the target will be checked for available interactions of this type.
- evaluationRequirement: Determines the number of targets that must succeed the check.
- checkFrequency: How often to check for interactions.
Is Threatened Trigger
Fires depending on how threatened a target is by a source.
- target: The character to check.
- source: The source of threat to check against.
- threat: The amount of threat to check against.
- comparison: What comparision to do.
- range: If the comparison is set to range, this is the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Level Trigger
Fires depending on the target character's level.
- target: The character to check.
- experience: The level to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Level Up Trigger
Fires when the target levels up.
- target: The character to check.
On Block Trigger
Fires when the target blocks.
- target: The target to check.
On Death Trigger
Fires when the target dies.
- target: The target to check.
On Dodge Trigger
Fires when the target dodges.
- target: The target to check.
On Heal Trigger
Fires when the target is healed.
- target: The target to check.
On Hit Trigger
Fires when the target is hit.
- target: The target to check.
On Miss Trigger
Fires when the target misses.
- target: The target to check.
Picked Up Trigger
Fires when an item is picked up.
- target: The pickup item to watch.
- evaluationRequirement: How many items must be picked up in order to trigger.
Spawn Trigger
Fires when a target spawns something using a SpawnerBehavior.
- target: The target to check for spawns.
Speak With Trigger
Triggers whenever the target has any dialogue attached to it active.
- target: The Target GameObject to check the active state of.
Switch Trigger
Fires when a Switch is in a specific state.
- target: The Switch(es) to check the state of.
- state: The state to check for.
- evaluationRequirement: How many switches must be in the state to fire.
Use Item Trigger
Fires when an item is used.
- target: The Character who might use the item.
- itemName: The name of the item to check for.
Block Condition
Condition to determine if an attack is blocked. Typically used in Damage Application Stacks.
- blockStatName: The name of the block stat.
- prependDamageType: If on, the damage type will be prepended to the block stat name.
- prependAttackRangeType: If on, the attack range type will be prepended to the name of the block stat.
- animationTarget: The target to play animations on.
- animationParameter: The animation parameter to set on block.
- operations: Math operations to perform on the stat before rolling.
Can Add Attachment Condition
True if the attachment can be added to the item.
- item: the item to check.
- attachment: the attachment to check.
- evaluationRequirement: how many matches are required.
Can Craft Condition
Checks if a recipe can be crafted by a crafter.
- crafter: The crafter to check.
- recipe: The recipe to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Can Equip Item Condition
True if the item can be equipped by the target.
- target: the character to equip on.
- item: the item to check.
- evaluationRequirement: how many matches are required.
Can Open Chest Condition
Checks if a Chest can be opened.
- target: The Chest to check.
- opener: The character opening the Chest.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Chests must be openable to pass.
Can Open Door Condition
Checks if a Door can be opened.
- target: The Door to check.
- opener: The character opening the Door.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Doors must be openable to pass.
Can Pick Up Item Condition
True if the item can be picked up by the target.
- target: the character to pick the item up.
- item: the item to pick up.
- evaluationRequirement: how many matches are required.
Can Purchase Skill Tree Item Condition
Check if the target can purchase a skill tree item.
- target: The character to check for.
- treeItem: The tree item to check.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Can Use Item Condition
True if the item can be used on the target.
- target: the character to target the item on.
- item: the item to use.
- evaluationRequirement: how many matches are required.
Combat Target Condition
This condition is true if the target(s) have a combat target set. Typically, this is used in an Effect Group to collect the target.
- target: The target(s) to evaluate for a combat target.
- evaluationRequirement: How many target(s) must have a combat target.
Detect Trap Condition
Attempt to detect a trap.
- target: The trap to detect.
- detector: The entity detecting the trap.
Dialogue Response Condition
Finds the dialogue with the specified DialogueID and determines if the response
with the specified ResponseID has been selected by the player.
Experience Condition
Checks if the target character has an amount of experience points.
- target: The character to check.
- experience: The amount of experience to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Faction Disposition Condition
Determines the disposition of the target to a specified faction and compares it to the input.
- target: The target to check the disposition of.
- factionName: The name of the faction to check.
- disposition: The disposition to use in the check.
- range: The range to use if the comparison type is set to range.
- comparion: The type of comparison to use.
- evaluationRequirement: How many targets must pass the comparison.
Has Available Attack Slot Condition
True if the target(s) have an available attack slot.
- target: the target(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: how many target(s) must have a slot for this to succeed.
Has Dialogue Been Active Condition
Finds the dialogue with the specified DialogueID and determines it has ever been activated.
Has Dialogue Condition
Determines if the Target has a dialogue with the specified DialogueID on it.
Has Interaction Type Condition
Checks whether the target has a specific interaction type. Doesn't check for availability.
- target: The GameObject with an Interaction Manager to check.
- interactionType: The type of Interaction to check.
- evaluationRequirement: In the case of multiple targets, the number that must have the interaction for this to pass.
Has Loot Condition
Check if a given target has any loot.
- target: The target to check for loot.
- evaluationRequirement: How many targets must have loot to succeed.
Has Seen Dialogue Condition
Determines if the dialogue specified by the DialogueID has been active.
Has Seen Dialogue Line Condition
Determines if the dialogue line specified by the DialogueID and line name has been active.
Has Skill Points Condition
Checks if the target character has an amount of skill points.
- target: The character to check.
- points: The amount of skill points to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Has Skill Tree Item Condition
Check if a character has a skill tree item.
- target: The character to check.
- item: The skill tree item.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Has Spoken With Condition
Determines if the player has spoken with the target.
Have Item Condition
Check if the target has an item.
- target: The target to check for the item.
- itemName: The name of the item to check for.
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Have Item Quantity Condition
Check if the target has a quantity of an item.
- target: The target to check for the item.
- itemName: The name of the item to check for.
- quantity: The quantity of the item to check for.
- comparison: The comparison to use in the chcek.
- range: For ranged comparison, this specifies the range.
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Hit Check Condition
Check if a target is hit. Used within Damage Application Stack.
- accuracyStatName: The attacker's accuracy stat.
- accuracyOperations: Math operations to apply to the accuracy.
- prependDamageTypeToAccuracy: Whether to prepend the damage type to the accuracy stat name.
- prependAttackRangeTypeToAccuracy: Whether to prepend the attack range to the accuracy stat name.
- missAnimationTarget: The target to use to play miss animations on.
- missAnimationParameter: The animation parameter to use when missing.
- dodgeStatName: The defender's dodge stat.
- dodgeOperations: Math operations to apply to the dodge stat.
- prependDamageTypeToDodge: Whether to prepend the damage type to the dodge stat name.
- prependAttackRangeTypeToDodge: Whether to prepend the attack range to the dodge stat name.
- dodgeAnimationTarget: The target to use to play dodge animations on.
- dodgeAnimationParameter: The animation parameter to use when dodging.
In Combat Condition
Checks if the target(s) are in combat.
- target: The target(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many target(s) must be in combat.
Is Alive Condition
Checks if the target(s) are alive.
- target: The target(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many target(s) must be alive.
Is Chest Locked Condition
Check if a Chest is locked.
- target: The Chest(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Chests must be locked for the condition to pass.
Is Chest Open Condition
Check if a Chest is open.
- target: The Chest to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Chests must be open to pass.
Is Chest Trapped Condition
Check if a Chest is trapped.
- target: The Chest to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Chests must be trapped to pass.
Is Door Locked Condition
Check if a Door is locked.
- target: The Door(s) to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Doors must be locked for the condition to pass.
Is Door Open Condition
Check if a Door is open.
- target: The Door to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Doors must be open to pass.
Is Door Trapped Condition
Check if a Door is trapped.
- target: The Door to check.
- evaluationRequirement: How many Doors must be trapped to pass.
Is Enemy Condition
Determine if a character is an enemy of the target based on the threshhold.
- target: The character with a Faction Manager to check the enemy against.
- enemy: Another character with a Faction Manager to check if it is an enemy of the target.
- threshhold: Any disposition under this number will be considered enemy.
- evaluationRequirement: How many enemies/targets must match.
Is Friend Condition
Determine if a character is an friend of the target based on the threshhold.
- target: The character with a Faction Manager to check the friend against.
- friend: Another character with a Faction Manager to check if it is an friend of the target.
- threshhold: Any disposition over this number will be considered friend.
- evaluationRequirement: How many friends/targets must match.
Is Interactable Condition
True if the target has any availabile interactions optionally of the specified type.
- target: The target to check for interactions.
- interactionType: If set, the target will be checked for available interactions of this type.
- evaluationRequirement: Determines the number of targets that must succeed the check.
Is Threatened Condition
Checks how threatened a target is by a source.
- target: The character to check.
- source: The source of threat to check against.
- threat: The amount of threat to check against.
- comparison: What comparision to do.
- range: If the comparison is set to range, this is the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: How many checks must pass to succeed.
Level Condition
Checks the target character's level.
- target: The character to check.
- experience: The level to compare.
- comparison: The comparison to use.
- range: If set to ranged comparison, the range to use.
- evaluationRequirement: Number of checks that must succeed.
Set Ability Targets Condition
Use this as a condition on an Effect Group only. It will reset the targets of the ability.
- target: The new target(s) of the ability
Set Default Ability Targets Condition
Use this as a condition on an Effect Group only. If there are no valid targets, it will reset the targets of the ability.
- target: The new target(s) of the ability
Slot Type Condition
Checks if a slot is of a certain type.
- slot: The slot to check.
- type: The type to check for.
- evaluationRequirement: How many slot(s) must match to succeed.
Switch Condition
Checks the state of a switch.
- target: The Switch(es) to check the state of.
- evaluationRequirement: How many switches must be on to be true.